How to choose a children's mattress: types, age features

In a dream we spend a significant part of life, and it is very important in what position our body is in this. Especially important is the choice of a children's mattress for sleep, because the child is still growing, and the formation of his bone system and future health depend on how comfortable he is in bed.

An orthopedic mattress for a child is not a luxury, but a necessity. There are a great variety of orthopedic mattresses on the market, with different prices, from different materials, different appearance and, of course, with different mechanical properties. In such a variety is easy to get confused. In order to choose a children's mattress that suits your child, you need to consider all the features of this product.


All mattresses are divided into two main categories:

  • Spring. Inside these mattresses, as the name suggests, are springs. Moreover, these springs are of two types: coupled to each other, or dependent (block “bonnel”), and independent - each spring is packed in a separate case, and responds to the load independently, independently of the others. If you prefer spring mattresses, you only need to choose independent blocks for a baby bed, the bonnel has very weak orthopedic properties, and also quickly loses them.

  • Springless. As a filler in such a mattress instead of springs elastic materials are used, both of natural origin, for example, latex, and artificial. Springless mattresses are longer spring, have a wide gradation of degrees of rigidity and pronounced orthopedic properties. Pediatricians recommend them as the best option for babies from the first day of life.


When choosing a baby mattress one of the most important issues is the choice of filler. The filler material may be different, sometimes quite exotic, but the following are the most common:

  • latex;
  • coconut (coir, chips, fiber);
  • buckwheat husk;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • thermofibre;
  • combined materials polyurethane-coconut foam, latex-coconut);
  • linen;
  • cotton;
  • seaweed.

As a rule, for the manufacture of a mattress is used not one of some material, but their combination. In order to choose a children's mattress with the right filling, it is necessary to make sure that it provides sufficient orthopedic support. In principle, all of the above fillers have the necessary qualities, but for some they are more pronounced.

Coconut fiber, for example, has lignin in its composition - it is a natural elastic substance that allows coconut fibers to evenly distribute the mechanical load, and also protects them from moisture and prevents putrefaction. Another excellent property of such fibers is a sufficiently large distance between them, which allows it to “breathe” and be easily ventilated. In hot weather on such a mattress will not be stuffy, and in winter - cold.

The artificial filler of a mattress for a children's bed in some cases works not worse, but better than other natural materials, so there is no need to be afraid of them. Modern polyurethane foam (PPU), modified by various additives, perfectly “breathes”, keeps its shape well, is durable, environmentally friendly, non-flammable, and does not cause allergies. In addition, PUF may also have special properties uncharacteristic of natural materials, for example, a memory effect, which makes sleep on such a mattress even more comfortable.

Cotton (cotton) for a children's mattress is not suitable: it is too soft material, it easily absorbs moisture and creates an environment for the reproduction of harmful bacteria and linen mites. On such a mattress will be hot, the child will sweat, he may appear allergic.

Age features

The age of the child also influences the choice of child mattress. In each period of the development of the baby has its own characteristics, and they need to be considered.

  1. From birth to year. During this period, the best filler is coconut fiber. It perfectly supports the spine, hypoallergenic.
  2. From one to three years. After a year, it is better to replace hard coconut fiber with a softer filler, for example, latex. Its thickness should be at least 5 cm, and no more than 12. Softer materials are not suitable, since they do not provide the necessary support and can cause a violation of posture.
  3. From three to seven years. Good orthopedic support is still needed, but, in addition to springless mattresses, mattresses with a block of independent springs can be considered.
  4. Older than seven years. For a healthy child who does not have problems with the development of the skeletal system, springless mattresses based on polyurethane foam will be a good choice, their thickness should not be less than 14 cm. If your child has problems with the spine, the filler for the mattress should be selected based on the recommendations of the doctor.

Whatever the filler, the cover on the mattress for the children's bed should be made only from natural materials.


  • An important selection criterion is the height of the mattress. For springless models, it varies between 7 and 17 cm, for spring models - between 12 and 20. In addition to the age recommendations, the bed model is affected by the height of the mattress. Be sure to pay attention to what thickness is recommended for your model.
  • In order for the mattress to perform its orthopedic functions and to be well ventilated, it must be laid on a special base consisting of compositing rails.
  • Between the bed side and the mattress should not remain more than 4 cm, otherwise injury is likely.
  • Jacquard fabrics are ideal as a material for a mattress cover: they wear out less than others, are easy to wash, “breathe”, have considerable strength and do not cause allergies.
  • If the mattress is bought for a baby, buy a mattress pad, it will not be superfluous. If the child spills the liquid on the bed, the mattress itself will not suffer - it will be enough to remove and wash the mattress topper.
  • Mattresses “winter-summer” provide greater comfort compared to conventional models. The side “winter” is usually covered with wool, under which the latex layer is laid. Such a “pie” retains body heat well. The side “summer” is covered with jacquard fabric, under which a layer of coconut fiber is laid. This combination facilitates the ventilation of the mattress and makes it comfortable to sleep in hot weather. Keep in mind that the “winter” side will be softer than the “summer” side.

Choosing the right children's mattress is only half the battle. It is very important to properly care for him. During operation every three months, unless indicated otherwise in the instructions, it is necessary to turn the mattress over. This will prolong its service life and will improve hygienic characteristics.

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