Do-it-yourself bonsai

You can grow natural bonsai tree in the garden or at home on the windowsill. The national symbol of Japan is created from the usual shrubs, deciduous trees, conifers. Homemade miniature trees are made of jade, ficus and other ornamental plants. Creating a real bonsai with your own hands will take a lot of time and effort. A strictly phased process of growing a living tree involves the gradual formation of the crown and root system, timely feeding and changing the pot.

Bonsai: the history of

For the first time the art of growing bonsai trees appeared in China, but it became especially popular in Japan. Residents of the country sought to surround themselves with numerous green spaces, but a small area and the absence of fertile soil did not allow them to do so. Then the Japanese began to plant the plants in pots, form beautiful trees from their crowns. Over time, they brought the skill of growing dwarf plantings to perfection.

Bonsai entered China along with medicine and Buddhism from ancient India. Monks and wandering healers then wore medicinal plants, rooted in the ground, in small pots. This made it possible to always have on hand fresh ingredients for tinctures. To give a natural burden of compactness, her crown was constantly trimmed.

Images of trees in containers were seen by archaeologists in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. Scientists believe that such plants could play a certain religious role, relate to the rites, methods of healing.

The advantages of decorative trees in the interior

Oriental style interior discreet and calm. But even in such a minimalist design there is always a place for indoor plants. Japanese bonsai is a popular flower arrangement that fits perfectly into any room. Natural decor will look original in a classic living room, in a modern high-tech kitchen.

To bonsai did not look lonely and did not stand out with a green spot on the general background, in the room you can place other plants similar in shape to the trunk or crown. Perfectly complement the interior wall paintings with natural motifs.

Natural ornamental trees of any size are simply created for rooms decorated with natural materials. The stone tile, wooden lining, massive furniture is well combined with the Japanese tree. If the crown has a bright color, you can emphasize it with the help of window textiles, pillows, small accessories.

The main advantage of decorative trees in the interior is the ability to create a natural atmosphere. A miniature copy will be the central accent, at the entrance to the room will not go unnoticed. Thanks to a variety of styles, you can create an original decor already under the existing interior. Common bonsai options are Classic Straight, Oblique Tree, Cascade, Two Trunks, Roots on a Rock, Rooted in a Stone.

Basic rules, features of growing and care

The similarity of natural bonsai trees is created manually. To achieve the effect, you need to know some features of the cultivation of popular mini-copies. It will take a special pot, tools, special long-term care. Reproduced natural creations will have realistic proportions, and live according to their usual routine.

Selection of soil and pot

The soil for growing ornamental tree is of great importance. You can use nutrient-rich soil that retains and permits moisture. Recommended composition:

  • Marsh clay. Provides a uniform supply of nutrients, binds nutrients. It is better to use clay pellets in the form of balls;
  • Volcanic sand Increases ground porosity, oxygen permeability. Interferes with soil decay;
  • River sand. Detains moisture, well dilutes lumpy structure;
  • Humus. Natural humus accumulates and gives nutrients. Use vegetable decomposed residues of high acidity;
  • Pumice. Absorbs and gradually gives the plant nutrients and moisture. Promotes the correct formation of the roots, does not allow them to grow deep into the tank.

A bonsai pot should be wide and shallow, regardless of the type of plant being grown. This form provides the correct growth and development of the tree, allows you to control the branching of the roots and freely form the crown.

A good container for decorative wood should have large drainage holes. So that the soil does not crumble, a mesh is placed at the bottom of the pot. Glazing on the inside is not allowed. For bonsai fit solid containers, without bows, beads, drawings.

Watering and air temperature

The method of watering dwarf trees may differ depending on their species. Determine how much moisture is needed, you can touch. If the ground is dry only on the surface, a simple wetting will suffice. Dehydration of the soil at a distance of more than 1 cm deep requires watering.

Some styles of bonsai suggest the presence of a different decor at the roots, which makes it difficult to analyze the soil for moisture. In this case, you can determine the need for watering by the weight of the pot. Capacity is taken in hand and compare the weight of watered and dried land with a plant. Moisturize an ornamental tree in several ways:

  • Full watering. Carry out using a watering can with a divider at the end. Water passes well through the entire tank, goes through the drain holes;
  • Wetting. The container is fully immersed briefly in a container of water. The method allows even to saturate the earth with moisture;
  • Spraying Hold every 3 days. This method allows you to clean the leaves from dust, moisten the air and topsoil. Especially in the daily spraying needs moss root covering.

In addition to timely and sufficient moisture, bonsai trees need to maintain a certain temperature. Each type of plant has its own requirements for air temperature, taking into account the method of cultivation - outdoors in the garden or indoors. Homes for indoor plants should choose a bright place with good circulation of oxygen. Tropical species do not tolerate lower temperatures to + 12 ° C, subtropical - to + 7 ° C. Classical types of bonsai from the usual climatic zone freely tolerate temperatures of 0 ° C.

Soil loosening and dressing

Proper soil for bonsai does not need loosening. He and so should pass well the air and moisture. If there are problems with the absorption of liquid, the leaves of the tree grow dull, and the branches weaken, the soil must be fed, fertilized or changed to a new one.

Bonsai needs frequent watering, which provides the plant with good growth, but at the same time it washes away 20% of useful substances from the ground. To reduce losses, you can use periodic fertilization. For dwarf trees suitable mixtures based on nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. Ideal - a mixture of three components in a ratio of 12: 6: 6.

Regular nutrient replenishment has a huge impact on plant growth and development. Fertilizers can be introduced in several ways. Useful pellets and pellets are simply buried in the soil. In a favorable environment, during irrigation, they release nutrients. To capture a large suction area, powder and liquid mixtures are used.

For trees growing in pots, you need to constantly care for, regularly feed, especially during the period of active growth (spring and summer). Mixing of useful components occurs in the ratio of 10:10:10. In the autumn the procedure is stopped.

The rules of forming a young tree

To make the tree bonsai decoration using several methods. Provide a beautiful characteristic crown shape by trimming. These are the first actions that are carried out at the stage of the formation of new shoots and branches. First, the upper part of the plant is cut in the form of an arc. After some time, remove the extra branches according to the following rules:

  • Remove one of the opposing branches;
  • Remove overlapping branches;
  • Cut thin, weak shoots coming from the trunk;
  • Slices are treated with special means;
  • Young shoots formed in spring are removed with tweezers.

In addition to pruning, wire is used to form the crown of a young tree. With its help, branches are made curved. Soft material wrapped young shoots and left in an unnatural position until stiff.

Wired branch requires constant monitoring. It must be periodically rotated, because there is a high probability of ingrowth of thin material into the soft tissue of the stem.

How to grow bonsai at home

The first step is to choose the type of planting material and the type of plant. A beautiful bonsai tree can be obtained from a ready seedling, seed, cutting. Each method of cultivation has advantages and disadvantages, suitable for a particular culture. When choosing an option, it is necessary to take into account the intrinsic stages of care, the complexity of germination, crown formation. The initial control of all processes further ensures the simplicity of maintaining the ideal form of bonsai in accordance with a particular style.

From seed

Before planting, the seeds must be properly treated to prevent the occurrence of diseases during germination in the soil. A few days before transfer to the soil, the material is placed in water or laid out on peat moss. To speed up the effect, you can slightly deform the hard shell and process mixtures against diseases. Also, it is necessary to disinfect the soil before planting. Use the technique of freezing or steaming.

Transfer to the ground bonsai seed in the spring or late autumn. The prepared pot is filled with earth, leaving a few centimeters to the edge. Then press down with a flat flat object. On the surface of the soil spread the seeds and sprinkled with sand. The container is plentifully watered and covered with glass or polyethylene. Rearrange it in a cool place protected from direct sunlight.

From seedling

You can find a suitable seedling in the forest belt or in a specialized store. Choose a healthy, strong plant with no signs of damage by pests. The bush with a height of 10-15 cm will get accustomed. Long, growing down roots must be cut. There will be enough length of 5 cm. All side shoots must be removed, the vertical shortened. This method of cultivation is suitable for deciduous bonsai - oak, cedar, maple, birch.

The remaining earth on the roots of the seedling before planting in the pot is not removed. The natural environment will contribute to better rooting. Over the next two weeks, the plant must be constantly monitored, noting its response to loosening and watering. A year later, bonsai transplanted into another pot, shorten its roots.

The advantage of the method of growing an ornamental tree from a seedling is that it significantly shortens the time it takes to grow a plant. For several years, you can get an adult bonsai. The disadvantages include insufficient decoration. Lignified trunk and branches is difficult to give the desired shape.

From cuttings

A simple and affordable way to grow bonsai by cutting is widespread among fans of this direction. This option allows you to initially engage in the formation of a tree, without losing a year to germinate and strengthen the seed.

Many plants respond well to cutting. Use only young green material collected in the spring. Plant it can be as follows:

  1. Choose a suitable green twig to 10 cm in length and cut;
  2. We prepare the container and the soil, process all hormonal powder;
  3. At the bottom of the tank lay out a layer of gravel;
  4. The rest of the pot is filled with soil mixture;
  5. We free the lower part of the cutting from the branches;
  6. In the place of the formation of the roots make an oblique incision;
  7. We place the stalk in the ground for 2-3 cm and water well.

Transplant rules

Any soil mixture requires periodic replacement, because plants, along with nutrients, absorb a lot of harmful components. Pot replacements also require bonsai as they grow. A suitable time for transplantation is determined by several criteria. A plant of any kind must be transferred if the roots are visible between the walls of the container and the ground. A fading appearance also points to urgent action. To transfer bonsai to another pot without damage to the plant, you must act according to the following rules:

  • Dry the soil before transplanting;
  • Smash the root ball with a wooden stick;
  • Prepare a new pot, strengthen the mesh at the bottom;
  • Well spread the roots of the plant and place on the flat bottom of the flower capacity;
  • Trim the roots that touch the edges of the container;
  • Cover the plant with soil, not reaching the root collar, compact it with your hands.

Correction and forming of an adult tree

When the trunk of an ornamental tree becomes dense enough, the bonsai will look like an adult tree. It takes a long time, during which the plant requires constant care. All parts need correction:

  • Trunk. Make a powerful base in several ways. The trunk is alternately tilted in different directions, which leads to its slight deformation. An active mass buildup occurs at the site of damage. For an even elongated base, use dense wire wrapping.
  • Leaves. Removal of old large leaves is necessary to obtain a neat green crown. Defoliation is carried out once a year. Remove almost all the leaves at the level of the stalks, leaving two leaves at the end of the branch. In this place after a couple of weeks, a young kidney is formed.
  • Roots. Pruned only root tips during transplantation. At the site of cutting, young branching roots are formed, which increase the absorption of nutrients from the soil. Removal of the main taproot leads to the development of a large number of superficial growths.
  • The branches. Pruned in the winter in a dormant period. It is better to trim flowering plants in autumn in order to provide numerous flower formation next summer on young sprigs. Removal of part of the branches is carried out to the place of formation of the extreme kidney.

Features of some types of bonsai

You can grow Chinese bonsai from almost any plant. Suitable species for a miniature copy can be from the group of deciduous, coniferous, flowering and fruit bearing. For each future decorative tree has its own rules of planting and care.

Flowering and fruiting trees

Growing can occur by stock method or from seed. The first option is used for common fruit trees (apples, cherries, plums), the second is suitable for citrus and other exotic specimens.

Simple fruit seeds are suitable for planting flowering bonsai. They must be mature and dense without damage. For safety planted several bones at once. Prepare the pot and soil. Drainage is laid out on the bottom of the flat tank, filled with earth and placed seeds to a depth of 1 cm. The following year, the plant is transplanted and the central root is broken. This will restrain the active growth of the shoot, limit the stretching.

Coniferous trees

The most beautiful and difficult to grow types of bonsai. To create a decor suitable juniper, cedar, spruce. Planting seeds carried out in early spring. Prior to this, the material extracted from the open cones is subjected to stratification — it is kept for several months under low temperature conditions to soften the seed coat. Such a procedure will prepare the embryo for development, facilitate its germination.

You can plant softwood seeds in prepared pots with sifted coarse sand. To do this, make shallow grooves, put there seeds, sprinkled with sand and watered. To create a greenhouse effect, containers are wrapped in plastic.

How to grow bonsai from bastard

Unpretentious money tree in the apartment usually grows to an impressive size. To give it a special appeal and a miniature value can be in the popular technique of bonsai. You can get a realistic composition if you follow the recommendations and rules of growing a fat woman:

  • Selection of planting material. Money tree is very easy to breed. You can form bonsai from a single side shoot or grow it from scratch on a leaf.
  • Choosing a pot. Suitable for most types of bonsai capacity is not suitable for bastard. For its full development, the formation of a solid trunk will require a lot of space. Already an adult tree is transplanted into a reduced pot.
  • The formation of the tree. It is possible to make a dense single trunk only after growing long side branches. A fat woman, by nature, and so has a massive stem, but you can give it the desired shape by growing the top Branches are cut almost at the base. На местах среза образуются новые листочки. Также необходимо периодически удалять крупные листья.

При выборе сорта толстянки для создания натурального декора следует учитывать скорость роста листьев и развития корней у каждого. Variegated plants grow much slower than usual.

How to grow ficus-bonsai

The creation of ficus bonsai includes complex continuous work with the root system, stem, crown. The following varieties well form a strong stem: ficus Sacred, Benjamin, Panda, Ginseng.

First choose the shape of the tree. This may be a single planting, double plexus or grove. The desired shape of the roots give by multiple cutting the main shoot. Because of this, the plant will grow in width, not up. Young ficus planted only in a spacious container.

Cutting off the branches and roots of ficus bonsai is often carried out, since new ones grow very quickly. This should be done until the moment when the adult plant takes the desired shape. The required shape of the trunk is attached by the garter method - the tip is tilted and tied to the base. Also use insulated wire - wrapped stem, branches, fixed in any position.

Sakura Bonsai at Home from Seed

Seeds for growing sakura can be ordered in specialized online stores. Experts recommend purchasing seed with a margin, since there is a high probability that most seeds will not rise. You should also be prepared for all difficulties, be patient. To grow a full-fledged tree will take 10-20 years. Planting at home is as follows:

  1. A day or two before sowing, seeds are soaked in water.
  2. Prepare the soil, slightly moisten it.
  3. In the soil they make a hollow up to 1 cm, they spread seeds into it and sprinkle it.
  4. Capacity for germination of seeds covered with plastic wrap, put in the refrigerator and kept there for two months. The stratification process is necessary for the natural awakening of the seeds, the transition to the growth phase.
  5. Having sustained a certain period, the container is placed in the room. For normal germination, the plant should provide a constant temperature and good lighting.
  6. When the seedlings grow a little, they dive, transplanted into separate flat pots so that the root system cannot grow.

Cardboard bonsai at home

To grow a small tree will take more than one year. However, you can decorate the interior with artificial models, the creation of which will take much less time. Also, crafts will be a great gift for friends and relatives. It is possible to build a structure from any available materials.

Materials and tools:

  • pencil, paper;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • cardboard;
  • artificial lilac flowers;
  • shallow wooden box;
  • bulk material to create the base.

Create a cardboard bonsai - step by step instructions

  1. For clarity, draw a sketch on a sheet of paper.
  2. Cut out the first blank from a cardboard in the form of a circle or an oval, the next ones are made a little smaller in area.
  3. We put the largest blank face up, glue the next one to it, until we form a tree trunk.
  4. In the form of a cardboard box, cut a rectangle.
  5. We put it on the bottom of the base and glue the trunk to it.
  6. We fill up the box with sand, top it with pebbles.
  7. We form a crown, glue artificial flowers of lilac.

How to make an artificial bonsai with your own hands - step by step master class

Creating an artificial tree begins with finding a suitable branch for the trunk. It can have a wide variety of forms. It is interesting to look driftwood with various thickenings, curvature, irregularities. If the search for the twigs is not lucky, then the base can be made independently with the help of a wire frame and plaster.

Materials and tools:

  • pot or plate;
  • gypsum, PVA glue;
  • floral tape, tape;
  • copper, aluminum or steel wire of different thickness;
  • acrylic paints, art brushes;
  • artificial conifer twigs, moss.

Master class step by step:

  1. With the help of a floral ribbon we attach coniferous twigs to the wire, we make blanks for the crown.
  2. We intertwine several pieces of thick wire. We form a frame that will serve as the trunk.
  3. Dilute gypsum with water to the consistency of thick cream, pour the mixture into the pot, set the frame in it.
  4. The resulting structure is dried during the day.
  5. After the base is dry, proceed to the formation of the crown. For this purpose, we fasten the branches prepared in p. 1 on a wire to the frame, fix it with the help of floristic tape and adhesive tape.
  6. We give branches the shape, bend them at their discretion.
  7. From gypsum (3 parts), PVA glue (1 part), and water we make a small amount of the mixture.
  8. Gypsum freezes very soon, so you need to work quickly. Using a brush, we begin to apply the composition evenly with a thin layer on the upper branches.
  9. As soon as the mixture begins to thicken, go to the bottom of the trunk. The barrel is thicker from below, therefore more solution will be required for its formation. You can put it in thicker layers.
  10. Having worked out the batch, we do the following, and so on until we form a completely trunk.
  11. The resulting structure is dried during the day.
  12. Next, proceed to painting the product with acrylic paints.
  13. After drying, decorate the base of the tree with artificial moss.


Creativity bonsai has its own styles, trends and traditions. More often maple or pine are used to create stunning natural miniatures. Many flower growers, when choosing a plant, pay great attention to its beneficial properties - the ability to disinfect the air, destroy harmful bacteria.

Watch the video: How to create a Bonsai tree DIY (April 2024).

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